Saturday, August 1, 2009

It is finished

Praise God my book is published. From Freedom to Victory is finally available to the public. I pray that everyone who reads get blessed out of their socks. It is a self-help book that will help anyone that's not afraid to empliment the content into their life. It will help you to achieve a possitive mental attitude on a continual even plane. It is also a book that will stretch your imagination and offend your religious if you have one. There are things in this book that others are afraid to write because of what people might say but I say if the truth is offensive they need to take that up with God...not me. I am just telling it the way the word does. I tried with all my heart to pen what God was giving so read the book and search the scriptures...see for yourself that what I am saying is true. God bless.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

From Freedom To Victory

From Freedom To Victory is a book I have just finished writing and will soon have published. It is about the adventure of life in Christ and how we, the body of Christ should be operating. We should be walking in the spirit on a continually basis. We walk by faith and not by sight. I talk about the conscious mind vs. the subconscious mind which determine who iis in control if your life. It is quite amazing to know that 85% of our thoughts are stored in the subconscious mind and run the show we call life. We think a thought and our subconscious mind begins to run its programming to see how we responded to similar thoughts. If we had the same or a similar thought before we automatically react to the thought. It all makes sense to me now...why I think one thong and do another. It is just like the apostle Paul said. I thought he was just a little wierd but I osund that I was just like him...go figure.